8 Keto Supplements for Bodybuilding and Beyond

Aug 03, 2024

Looking to supercharge your keto bodybuilding journey with a strategic supplement stack? Welcome to the next level!

Though following a keto diet optimizes fat-burning, muscle-building, and lean mass preservation, achieving peak performance requires more than diet alone.

Science-backed keto supplements can make you an absolute savage in the gym, skyrocket fat loss, boost recovery, and maximize your overall results. They also prevent missing micronutrients from sabotaging your hard work.

Let’s explore the most effective keto supplements for bodybuilders to stay dialed in throughout competition prep and beyond. Get ready to elevate your performance and redefine your limits!

8 Science-Backed Keto Supplements for Bodybuilding and Beyond 🚀

These supplements turbocharge your efforts to build muscle on keto and help you achieve extraordinary results. However, your supplement stack is as nuanced as your keto bodybuilding journey.

If you want a full rundown on dosages, timing strategies, and brand recommendations, check out my Savage System Premium Bodybuilding Course

You’ll score in-depth video lessons for each of these science-backed supplements, including my personal experience using them during my prep and those I’ve coached.

Now, let’s jump into my top picks:

1. Electrolytes 💦

When you’re in a deficit, monitoring your electrolytes becomes even more paramount because your body is much more prone to fluctuations in fluid retention. Electrolytes empower you to operate at total capacity.

You’ll feel miserable if you’re deficient in electrolytes and depleted in calories. You’re also going to look flat in the gym. You won’t get proper muscle contraction, which will also correspond to how you look on stage. 

Low electrolyte levels also lead to headaches, lightheadedness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and a loss of muscle strength and function — not exactly a recipe for peak performance.[*]

So all that to say, getting your electrolytes dialed in is mission-critical. 

I recommend a 2:1 or 2.5:1 ratio of supplemental sodium to potassium for optimal hydration and electrolyte balance throughout your keto bodybuilding journey. Then, I also typically aim for 300-500 milligrams of supplemental magnesium.

During my 2023 competition prep, I sometimes consumed around 15,000 milligrams of sodium and about a gallon or more of water a day (NOTE: That is specific to ME and I had to work up to that). You need a solid game plan to make this happen and monitor how your body responds to these electrolyte manipulations, especially closer to competition day. Believe me, they make a huge difference.

⚖️ I’ll walk you through which electrolyte supplements I use, how I structure them throughout my day, and what I’ve noticed doing so in my Savage System Premium Course.

2. Protein Powder 💪

Protein powder is probably the most used supplement in bodybuilding. I used to believe that if I didn’t slam a protein shake within 20 minutes of training, I’d become catabolic, and all the sweat I put in at the gym would be for nothing. But that’s not really the way things work.

Science shows it’s not the timing of your protein that matters; your total daily protein intake is the strongest factor in whether you’ll realize those gains.[*]

That means if you’re following a well-formulated ketogenic diet and consuming enough protein throughout the day, you shouldn’t need to supplement with protein powder. As a result, I don’t supplement with much protein powder at all.

However, if you’re in a pinch, having a quick, clean protein powder as an option works better than nothing. After all, protein supports muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and preservation, elevates fat loss, and keeps you satiated.[*][*][*]

My keto protein powder hack? Never have a protein shake in isolation. Always pair your protein with a fat source. Fat will slow the absorption of that pure protein source, so you minimize the glucose response from it. 

🤔 What’s the best protein powder for a keto diet? Let’s talk ingredients, whey protein vs. plant-based protein powder, and the brands I recommend and use in my Savage System videos.

3. Iodine 🧂

Switched to sea salt or Pink Himalayan salt instead of iodized salt? Good choice, but you may not be snagging enough iodine now. You lose 90% of your dietary iodine when you sweat or pee, and you’ll do a lot of both during keto bodybuilding.[*]

Low iodine levels can lead to fatigue, drops in stamina, a slower metabolic rate, and trouble losing weight.[*][*] All bad things.

Iodine is a trace mineral that’s crucial for proper thyroid function, which regulates your metabolism, muscle function, and energy expenditure.[*] A well-functioning thyroid keeps your fat-burning furnace burning bright. So supplementing with iodine can be a smart idea (as long as you don’t have a thyroid condition).

4. Vitamin D ☀️

Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D supports MPS and overall recovery. Vitamin D deficiency is common in athletes and often leads to muscle weakness, poor muscle function, and higher injury risks.[*]

Supplementing with vitamin D has been shown to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness while increasing MPS, muscle strength, muscle repair, exercise capacity, and physical performance.[*][*] Kind of a no-brainer, right?

5. Fish Oil 🐟

Fish oil supplements are packed with essential omega-3 fatty acids and have incredible anti-inflammatory properties that support muscle recovery after brutal workouts.[*

Since inflammation hinders muscle recovery and makes it challenging to maintain a daily training regime, supplementing ensures you don’t leave any gains on the table.

Plus, studies reveal that fish oil supplements may actually:[*][*]

  • Increase MPS and muscle strength
  • Decrease temporary muscle swelling
  • Prevent or reduce the severity of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

These heavy hitters deserve a permanent spot in your keto supplement stack for present wins and long-term health benefits (especially for your heart).[*]

6. Creatine 🏋️

Keeping your body saturated with Creatine via supplementation is like adding an extra gear to your muscle-building machine. Researchers say it can enhance muscle strength, boost explosive power, and provide noticeable size gains when combined with resistance training.[*][*][*]

7. Caffeine ⚡

Caffeine is one of the most well-researched natural mental and physical performance enhancers.[*] Besides leveling up your energy and brainpower, it’s a potent ally during your cut phase and benefits your physical prowess.

As a weight loss champ, caffeine has been shown to increase your metabolism, support greater fat mass loss, decrease hunger while increasing satiety, and naturally reduce your calorie intake.[*][*]

In one study, consuming caffeine alone increased fat-burning by about 44%. But when combined with a workout, it led to a nearly 80% surge in fatty acid turnover.[*

Caffeine can also help you push harder during training, leading to increased muscle breakdown and more growth potential during recovery. It:

  • Decreases the sense of effort associated with physical activity [*]
  • Improves muscle coordination, endurance, and speed [*][*
  • Raises muscle strength and power output [*][*]
  • Delays fatigue and exhaustion [*]
  • Reduces DOMS [*]
  • Aids in muscle recovery [*]

These perks elevate your morning coffee or tea from a simple ritual to a game-changing bodybuilding hack.

8. Keto Bricks 🧱 

Keto Bricks were born from my desire to create a superior quality, shelf-stable meal replacement bar with perfect ketogenic macros. I literally eat one every day and find them incredibly useful during any competition prep (or any keto diet, period).

We make every Keto Brick in-house using clean, gluten-free ingredients like raw, organic cacao butter, pure MCT powder, and at least 30 grams of protein from grass-fed and pastured whey protein or a high-quality pea and organic brown rice plant-based protein blend to cover the amino acid spectrum. 

FYI: Cacao butter is nature’s richest source of stearic acid.[*] This under-the-radar megastar helps torch fat and enhances energy production and metabolism.[*]

Keto Bricks have been scientifically proven to elevate ketone levels — even for those not fat-adapted or in ketosis.[*] So if you’re already in this fat-burning state, you’ll score an on-demand energy source and effortless solution to hitting your macros in one delicious, perfectly portioned, travel-ready package.

🤑 Sign up for my Savage System, and you’ll score an exclusive Keto Bricks discount code!

The Deep Dive: Even More Bodybuilding Supplements

My Savage System Premium Course grants you LIFETIME access to our ENTIRE COURSE LIBRARY (150+ videos), plus exclusive downloads, discounts, and perks.

You’ll also score access to videos about my personal experience and recommendations regarding:

  • Pre-Workout Drinks
  • Exogenous Ketones
  • Fat Burners and Diuretics 
  • Cannabis and CBD
  • Steroids and other Super Supplements
  • The Banned Substance List

I’ll show you how to streamline what you should consume to hit your goals. All you have to do is:

Take the First Step To Ignite Your Savage Transformation 🔥

This guide has given you a taste of the fundamental supplements that will empower you to reap the full benefits of your keto bodybuilding efforts. But they’re not magic potions.

Building an impressive physique takes time, effort, and the right tools. By strategically incorporating these supplements and prioritizing a clean keto diet and a solid training program, you can optimize your performance, maximize gains, and achieve the ripped results you deserve.

So, are you ready to leave the competition in the dust? Whether you’re competing against the best or striving for your own personal best, I’ll help you unlock your full keto bodybuilding potential. Let’s get you dialed in to dominate!

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